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Marter, P., Khramova, M., Duvigneau, F., Wood, R.J., Juhre, D. and Orszulik, R., 2024. Bidirectional motion of a planar fabricated piezoelectric motor based on unimorph arms. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 377, p.115642. October 2024,

Burns, J.A., Daniels, J., Becker, K.P., Casagrande, D., Roberts, P., Orenstein, E., Vogt, D.M., Teoh, Z.E., Wood, R., Yin, A.H. and Genot, B., 2024. Transcriptome sequencing of seven deep marine invertebrates. Scientific Data, 11(1), p.679. June 2024,


Maalouf, A., Jadhav, N., Jatavallabhula, K.M., Chahine, M., Vogt, D.M., Wood, R.J., Torralba, A. and Rus, D., 2024. Follow Anything: Open-set detection, tracking, and following in real-time. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(4), pp.3283-3290, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3366013.

Hernandez, A.M., Sandoval, J.A., Yuen, M.C. and Wood, R.J., 2024. Stickiness in shear: stiffness, shape, and sealing in bioinspired suction cups affect shear performance on diverse surfaces. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 19(3), p.036008., March 2024, doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/ad2c21 

Becker, K., Jung, Y., Mahadevan, L., Wood, R., Baum, D. and Teeple, C., 2024. Actively entangling filaments for passive adaption in soft robotic grippers. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. March 2024

Ramirez Serrano, F., Steinhardt, E. and Wood, R.J., 2024. Considerations for the Design and Rapid Manufacturing of Pop‐Up MEMS Devices. Advanced Materials Technologies, 9(8), February 2024,  


Jafferis, N.T. and Wood, R.J., 2024. The Delta-Motor: A multi-modal, high-speed, flexure-based piezoelectric motor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 366, February 2024,


Burns, J.A., Becker, K.P., Casagrande, D., Daniels, J., Roberts, P., Orenstein, E., Vogt, D.M., Teoh, Z.E., Wood, R., Yin, A.H. and Genot, B., 2024. An in situ digital synthesis strategy for the discovery and description of ocean life. Science Advances, 10(3), January 2024, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adj4960



S. Xu, C. M. Nunez, M. Souri, and R. J. Wood, “A compact DEA-based soft peristaltic pump for power and control of fluidic robots,” Science Robotics, vol. 8, no. 79, p. eadd4649, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.1126/scirobotics.add4649.

C. C. Barré, E. Steinhardt, and R. J. Wood, “The Fastest Microrobot Pitcher: Design Exploration for a Throwing Microrobot,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 4315–4321, Jul. 2023, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2023.3281939.

Tomholt, L., Baum, D., Wood, R. J., & Weaver, J. C. (2023). High-throughput segmentation, data visualization, and analysis of sea star skeletal networks. Journal of Structural Biology, 107955.

A. Liu, S. Araromi, C. J. Walsh, and R. J. Wood, “Design and characterization of a low mechanical loss, high-resolution wearable strain gauge,” in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2023, pp. 601–606. doi: 10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10161524.

Sanchez, V., Mahadevan, K., Ohlson, G., Graule, M. A., Yuen, M. C., Teeple, C. B., Weaver, J. C., McCann, J., Bertoldi, K., Wood, R. J., 3D Knitting for Pneumatic Soft Robotics. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 2212541.

N. P. Hyun et al., “Spring and latch dynamics can act as control pathways in ultrafast systems,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 18, no. 2, p. 026002, 2023.



Lee, D.-Y., Jeong, S. H., Cohen, A. J., Vogt, D. M., Kollosche, M., Lansberry, G., Mengüç, Y., Israr, A., Clarke, D. R., & Wood, R. J. (2022). A Wearable Textile-Embedded Dielectric Elastomer Actuator Haptic Display. Soft Robotics, 9(6), 1186–1197.

McGill, R., Hyun, N. P., & Wood, R. J. (2022). Frequency-Modulated Control for Insect-Scale Flapping-Wing Vehicles. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4), 12515–12522.

Martin, Y. J., Bruder, D., & Wood, R. J. (2022). A Proprioceptive Method for Soft Robots Using Inertial Measurement Units. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 9379–9384.

Schiebel, P. E., Yuen, M. C., & Wood, R. J. (2022). A passive, asymmetrically-compliant knee joint improves obstacle traversal in an insect-scale legged robot. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2526–2533.

P.L. Lechère, P.E. Schiebel, M.C. Yuen, J. Shum, and R.J. Wood, “Passive compliant foot design for improved micororobotic mobility on rough terrains,” in 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Kyoto, Japan, 2022.

Wells, S. C., Hyun, N.-S. P., Steinhardt, E., Nguyen, T. H., & Wood, R. J. (2022). Design Optimization of an Ultrafast-Striking Mantis Shrimp Microrobot. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 4236–4242.

Graule, M. A., Teeple, C. B., & Wood, R. J. (2022). Contact-implicit Trajectory and Grasp Planning for Soft Continuum Manipulators. 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 9401–9408.

Becker, K., Teeple, C., Charles, N., Jung, Y., Baum, D., Weaver, J. C., Mahadevan, L., & Wood, R. (2022). Active entanglement enables stochastic, topological grasping. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(42), e2209819119.

Gallardo Hevia, E., McCann, C. M., Bell, M., Hyun, N. P., Majidi, C., Bertoldi, K., & Wood, R. J. (2022). High-Gain Microfluidic Amplifiers: The Bridge between Microfluidic Controllers and Fluidic Soft Actuators. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(10), 2200122.

Cohen, A. J., Kollosche, M., Yuen, M. C., Lee, D.-Y., Clarke, D. R., & Wood, R. J. (2022). Batch-Sprayed and Stamp-Transferred Electrodes: A New Paradigm for Scalable Fabrication of Multilayer Dielectric Elastomer Actuators. Advanced Functional Materials, 32(43), 2205394.

Bell, M. A., Weaver, J. C., & Wood, R. J. (2022). An Ambidextrous STarfish-Inspired Exploration and Reconnaissance Robot (The ASTER-bot), . Soft Robotics, 9(5), 991–1000.


Alvarez, J. T., Gerez, L. F., Araromi, O. A., Hunter, J. G., Choe, D. K., Payne, C. J., Wood, R. J., & Walsh, C. J. (2022). Towards Soft Wearable Strain Sensors for Muscle Activity Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 30, 2198–2206.


Poccard-Saudart, J., Xu, S., Teeple, C. B., Hyun, N.-S. P., Becker, K. P., & Wood, R. J. (2022). Controlling Soft Fluidic Actuators Using Soft DEA-Based Valves. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4), 8837–8844.


Andreas, J., Beguš, G., Bronstein, M. M., Diamant, R., Delaney, D., Gero, S., Goldwasser, S., Gruber, D. F., de Haas, S., Malkin, P., Pavlov, N., Payne, R., Petri, G., Rus, D., Sharma, P., Tchernov, D., Tønnesen, P., Torralba, A., Vogt, D., & Wood, R. J. (2022). Toward understanding the communication in sperm whales. IScience, 25(6), 104393.

Li, J., Teeple, C., Wood, R. J., & Cappelleri, D. J. (2022). Modular End-Effector System for Autonomous Robotic Maintenance & Repair. 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4510–4516.

E. G. Hevia, L. De La Rochefoucauld, and R. J. Wood, “Towards a Microfluidic Microcontroller Circuit Library for Soft Robots,” in 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2022, pp. 7138–7144. doi: 10.1109/ICRA46639.2022.9812219.

Teeple, C. B., Werfel, J., & Wood, R. J. (2022). Multi-Dimensional Compliance of Soft Grippers Enables Gentle Interaction with Thin, Flexible Objects. 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 728–734.

D. F. Gruber and R. J. Wood, “Advances and future outlooks in soft robotics for minimally invasive marine biology,” Science Robotics, vol. 7, no. 66, p. eabm6807, May 2022, doi: 10.1126/scirobotics.abm6807.

De, A., McGill, R., & Wood, R. (2022). An efficient, modular controller for flapping flight composing model-based and model-free components. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 41, 027836492110632.

Li, S., Awale, S. A., Bacher, K. E., Buchner, T. J., Della Santina, C., Wood, R. J., & Rus, D. (2022). Scaling Up Soft Robotics: A Meter-Scale, Modular, and Reconfigurable Soft Robotic System. Soft Robotics, 9(2), 324–336.


Graule, M. A., McCarthy, T. P., Teeple, C. B., Werfel, J., & Wood, R. J. (2022). SoMoGym: A Toolkit for Developing and Evaluating Controllers and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Soft Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), 4071–4078.


Schiebel, P. E., Shum, J., Cerbone, H., & Wood, R. J. (2022). An insect-scale robot reveals the effects of different body dynamics regimes during open-loop running in feature-laden terrain. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 17(2), 026006.

Teeple, C. B., Aktas, B., Yuen, M. C., Kim, G. R., Howe, R. D., & Wood, R. J. (2022). Controlling Palm-Object Interactions Via Friction for Enhanced In-Hand Manipulation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(2), 2258–2265.

Hyun, N. P., Olberding, J. P., De, A., Divi, S., Liang, X., Thomas, E., St. Pierre, R., Steinhardt, E., Jorge, J., Longo, S. J., Cox, S., Mendoza, E., Sutton, G. P., Azizi, E., Crosby, A. J., Bergbreiter, S., Wood, R. J., & Patek, S. N. (2023). Spring and latch dynamics can act as control pathways in ultrafast systems. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 18(2), 026002.

​M.A. Bell, K.P. Becker, and R. J. Wood, Injection Molding of Soft Robots, Advanced Material Technologies, 7(1), 2100605. admt.202100605, 2022. Supplemental files are located here. 

 - Instructions and bill of materials for building your own injection molding station. 

Bell, M. A., Gorissen, B., Bertoldi, K., Weaver, J. C., & Wood, R. J. (2022). A Modular and Self-Contained Fluidic Engine for Soft Actuators. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(1), 2100094.


​Microrobotic laser steering for minimally invasive surgery, P. A. York, R. Peña, D. Kent, and R. J. Wood, Science Robotics 6 (50), 2021.

A new control framework for flapping-wing vehicles based on 3D pendulum dynamics, N. P. Hyun, R. McGill, R. J. Wood, and S. Kuindersma, Automatica 123, 109293, 2021.

A Streamlined Fabrication Process for High Energy Density Piezoelectric Bending Actuators, N.T. Jafferis, K. Jayaram, P.A. York, and R.J. Wood, Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, vol. 332, no. 2, 2021.

A Fabrication Strategy for Reconfigurable Millimeter-Scale Metamaterials, H.D. McClintock, N. Doshi, A. Iniguez-Rabago, J.C. Weaver, N.T. Jafferis, K. Jayaram, R.J. Wood, and J.T.B. Overvelde, Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 31, no. 45, 2021.

A dynamic electrically-driven soft valve for control of soft hydraulic actuators, S. Xu, Y. Chen, N.-S.P. Hyun, K.P. Becker, and R.J. Wood, PNAS, vol. 118, no. 34, 2021.

A Physical Model of Mantis Shrimp for Exploring the Dynamics of Ultra-Fast Systems, E. Steinhardt, N.-S.P. Hyun, J.-S, Koh, G. Freeburn, M.H. Rosen, F.Z. Temel, S.N. Patek, and R.J. Wood, PNAS, vol. 118, no. 33, 2021.

Biologically inspired electrostatic artificial muscles for insect-sized robots, H. Wang, Y. Chen, S. Russo, T. Ranzani, C.J. Walsh, and R.J. Wood, Int. J. Robotics Research, vol. 40, no. 6-7, 2021.

Smart Thermally Actuating Textiles, V. Sanchez, C.J. Payne, D.J. Preston, J. Alvarez, J.C. Weaver, A. Atalay, M. Boyvat, D. Vogt, R.J. Wood, G.M. Whitesides, and C.J. Walsh, Advanced Material Technologies, vol. 5, no. 8, 2021.

SoMo: Fast and Accurate Simulations of Continuum Robots, M.A. Graule, C. Teeple, T. McCarthy, R. St. Louis, G. Kim, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep 2021.

Digit Arrangement for Soft Robotic Hands: Enhancing Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation, C.B. Teeple, R.C. St. Louis, M.A. Graule, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep 2021.

An Active Palm Enhances Dexterity for Soft Robotic In-Hand Manipulation, C. Teeple, G. Kim, M.A. Graule, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Xi'an, China, May 2021.



A Soft, Modular, and Bi-stable Dome Actuator for Programmable Multi-Modal Locomotion, M. A. Bell*, L. Cattani*, B. Gorissen, K. Bertoldi, J. C. Weaver, and R. J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020


Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control for Tracking Contracting Nonlinear Systems, N. P. Hyun, M. Peterson, and R. J. Wood, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2026-2031, 2020.

Textile Technology for Soft Robotic and Autonomous Garments, V. Sanchez, C. J. Walsh, and R. J. Wood, Advanced Functional Materials, 2008278, 2020.

Template-Based Optimal Robot Design with Application to Passive-Dynamic Underactuated Flapping, A. De and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las Vegas, NV, Oct. 2020.

Full Flight Envelope and Trim Map of Flapping-Wing Micro Aerial Vehicles, T. S. Clawson, S. Ferrari, E. Farrell Helbling, R. J. Wood, B. Fu, A. Ruina, and Z. Jane Wang, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 43 (12), 2218-2236, 2020.

Multi-segment soft robotic fingers enable robust precision grasping, C. B. Teeple, T. N. Koutros, M. A. Graule, and R. J. Wood, The International Journal of Robotics Research 39 (14), 1647-1667, 2020.

Ultra-sensitive and resilient compliant strain gauges for soft machines, O. A. Araromi, M. A. Graule, K. L. Dorsey,

S. Castellanos, J. R. Foster, W. H. Hsu, A.E. Passy, J. J. Vlassak, J. C. Weaver, C. J. Walsh & R. J. Wood, Nature 587, pp. 219–224, 2020.

Origami-inspired miniature manipulator for teleoperated microsurgery, H. Suzuki and R. J. Wood, Nature Machine Intelligence, 2020.

A dexterous soft robotic hand for delicate in-hand manipulation, S. Abondance, C. Teeple, and R. J. Wood, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020.

Smart Thermally Actuating Textiles, V. Sanchez, C. J. Payne, D. J. Preston, J. T. Alvarez, J. C. Weaver, A. T. Atalay, M. Boyvat, D. M. Vogt, R. J. Wood, G. M. Whitesides, C. J. Walsh, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2000383, 2020.

Inverted and inclined climbing using capillary adhesion in a quadrupedal insect-scale robot, Y. Chen, N. Doshi, and R. J. Wood, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020.

Piezoelectric grippers for mobile micromanipulation, T. Abondance, K. Jayaram, N. T. Jafferis, and R. J, Wood, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020.

Millimeter-sized piezoelectric flextensional actuators with improved mechanical efficiency, P. York, N. Jafferis, and R. J. Wood, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 112066, 2020.

Tunable Multi-Modal Locomotion in Soft Dielectric Elastomer Robots, M. Duduta, F. Berlinger, R. Nagpal, D. R. Clarke, R. J. Wood, and F. Z. Temel, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (3), 2020.

Multi-segment soft robotic fingers enable robust precision grasping, C. B. Teeple, T. N. Koutros, M. A. Graule, and R. J. Wood, The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2020.

Mechanically Programmable Dip Molding of High Aspect Ratio Soft Actuator Arrays, K. P. Becker, Y. Chen, and R. J. Wood, Advanced Functional Materials 30 (12), 2020.

Ultra-gentle soft robotic fingers induce minimal transcriptomic response in a fragile marine animal, M. Tessler, M. R. Brugler, J. A. Burns, N. R. Sinatra, D. M. Vogt, A. Varma, M. Xiao, R. J. Wood, and D. F. Gruber, Current Biology 30(4), 2020.

The structural origins of brittle star arm kinematics: An integrated tomographic, additive manufacturing, and parametric modeling-based approach, L. Tomholt, L. J. Friesen, D. Berdichevseky, M. C. Fernandes, C. Pierre, R. J. Wood, and J. C. Weaver, Journal of Structural Biology, 107481, 2020.

Mechanically Programmable Dip Molding of High Aspect Ratio Soft Actuator Arrays, K. P. Becker, Y. Chen, R. J. Wood, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020.


A Wearable Soft Haptic Communicator Based on Dielectric Elastomer Actuators, H. Zhao, A. M. Hussain, Ali Israr, D. M. Vogt, M. Duduna, D. R. Clarke, and R. J. Wood, Soft Robotics, 2020.



A Compact Laser-Steering End-Effector for Transoral Robotic Surgery, S.A. Bothner*, P. A. York*, P.C. Song, and R. J. Wood, IEEE  Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) , Macau, China 2019.
* = equal contributions 

Ultragentle manipulation of delicate structures using a soft robotic gripper, Sinatra, N.R., Teeple, C.B., Vogt, D.M., Parker, K.K., Gruber, D.F. and Wood, R.J., 2019. Science Robotics, 4(33), p.eaax5425.

Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of an Untethered Amphibious Sea Urchin-Inspired Robot, T. Paschal, M. A. Bell, J. Sperry, S. Sieniewicz, R. J. Wood, and James C. Weaver, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4 (4), 2019.

Effective locomotion at multiple stride frequencies using proprioceptive feedback on a legged microrobot, N. Doshi*, K. Jayaram*, S. Castellanos, S. Kuindersma, R. J. Wood, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 14, 2019.

* = equal contributions

Untethered flight of an insect-sized flapping-wing microscale aerial vehicle, N. T. Jafferis*, E. F. Helbling*, M. Karpelson, and R. J. Wood, Nature, 570, pp. 491-495, 2019.

Cover article

* = equal contributions

Tension Pistons: Amplifying Piston Force Using Fluid-Induced Tension in Flexible Materials, S. Li, D. M. Vogt, N. W. Bartlett, D. Rus, and R. J. Wood, Advanced Functional Materials, 1901419, 2019.

A Vacuum-Driven Origami "Magic-Ball" Soft Gripper, S. Li, J. J. Stampfli, H. J. Xu, E. Malkin, E. V. Diaz, D. Rus, and R. J. Wood, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019.

Nitinol living hinges for millimeter-sized robots and medical devices, P. A. York and R. J. Wood, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019.

Yaw torque authority for a flapping-wing micro-aerial vehicle, R. Steinmeyer, N. P. Hyun, E. F. Helbling, and R. J. Wood, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019.

Contact-implicit trajectory optimization using variational integrators, Z. Manchester, N. Doshi, R. J. Wood, and S. Kuindersma.  The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2019.

Gait recovery using proprioceptive feedback in HAMR, a biologically-inspired robotic platform, K. Jayaram, N. Doshi, R. Wood, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 59, E110, 2019.

Co-Contraction Facilitates Body Stiffness Modulation During Swimming with Sensory Feedback in a Soft Biorobotic Physical Model, A. Jusufi, D. Vogt, R. J. Wood, Integrative and Compartive Biology, 59, E116, 2019.

Realizing the potential of dielectric elastomer artificial muscles, M. Duduta, E. Hajiesmaili, H. Zhao, R. J. Wood, D. R. Clarke, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (7), pp. 2476-2481, 2019.

Ultrastrong and High-Stroke Wireless Soft Actuators through Liquid-Gas Phase Change, M. Boyvat, D. M. Vot, R. J. Wood, Advanced Materials Technologies, 4 (2), 1800381, 2019.

An insect-inspired collapsible wing hinge dampens collision-induced body rotation rates in a microrobot, A. M. Mountcastle, E. F. Helbling, R. J. Wood, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16 (150), 20180618, 2019.

Biocompatible Soft Fluidic Strain and Force Sensors for Wearable Devices, S. Xu, D. M. Vogt, W.-H. Hsu, J. Osborne, T. Walsh, J. Foster, S. Sullivan, V. C. Smith, A. W. Rousing, E. C. Goldfield, and R. J. Wood.  Advanced Functional Materials, 29 (7), 1807058, 2019.

Cover article



The principles of cascading power limits in small, fast biological and engineered systems, M. Ilton, M.S. Bhamla, X. Ma, S.M.  Cox, L.L. Fitchett, Y. Kim, J.-s. Koh, D. Krishnamurthy, C.-Y. Kui, F.Z. Temel, A.J. Crosby, M. Prakash, G.P. Sutton, R.J. Wood, E. Azizi, S. Bergbreiter, and S.N. Pater, Science, vol. 360, issue 6387, 2018.

Inverted and vertical climbing of a quadrupedal microrobot using electroadhesion, S. de Rivaz, B. Goldberg, N. Doshi, K. Jayaram, J. Zhou, R. J. Wood, Science Robotics, 2018.

Contact-Implicit Optimization of Locomotion Trajectories for a Quadrupedal Microrobot, N. Doshi, K. Jayaram, B. Goldberg, Z. Manchester, R. J. Wood, and S. Kuindersma, Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2018.

Controllable water surface to underwater transition through electrowetting in a hybrid terrestrial-aquatic microrobot. Y. Chen, N. Doshi, B. Goldberg, H. Wang, and R.J. Wood. Nature communications, 9(1), p.2495, 2018.

Compact Dielectric Elastomer Linear Actuators,  Advanced Functional Materials, H. Zhao, A. M. Hussain, M. Duduta, D. M. Vogt, R.J. Wood, and D. R. Clarke, 1804328, 2018. 

A Modular Dielectric Elastomer Actuator to Drive Miniature Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, F. Berlinger, M. Duduta, H. Gloria, D.R. Clarke, R. Nagpal, and R. J. Wood, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 3429-3435), Brisbane, QLD, Australia, May 2018.

Finalist: Best paper, best student paper

Ultra‐Lightweight, High Power Density Lithium‐Ion Batteries. Batteries & Supercaps, M. Duduta, S. de Rivaz, D.R. Clarke, and R.J. Wood, 1 (4), 131-134, 2018.

Increasing the Dimensionality of Soft Microstructures through Injection‐Induced Self‐Folding, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, N.W. Bartlett, M. Wehner, and R.J. Wood, Advanced Materials, vol. 30, no. 38, 2018.

Cover article

New Developments in Soft Robotics: An Interview with Nicholas W. Bartlett and Michael T. Tolley, B. Trimmer, N.W. Bartlett, and M.T. Tolley, Soft Robotics, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 93-95, 2015.

Soft curvature and contact force sensors for deep-sea grasping via soft optical waveguides, C.B. Teeple, K.P. Becker, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain, 2018.

A Dexterous, Glove-Based Teleoperable Low-Power Soft Robotic Arm for Delicate Deep-Sea Biological Exploration, Phillips B.T., Becker K.P., Kurumaya S., Galloway K.C., Whittredge G., Vogt D.M., Teeple C.B., Rosen M.H., Pieribone V.A., Gruber D.F., Scientific Reports, 2018, Nature Publishing Group.


Shipboard design and fabrication of custom 3D-printed soft robotic manipulators for the investigation of delicate deep-sea organisms, Daniel M Vogt, Kaitlyn P Becker, Brennan T Phillips, Moritz A Graule, Randi D Rotjan, Timothy M Shank, Erik E Cordes, Robert J Wood, David F Gruber, PloS one, 13,8,e0200386, 2018.


A Modular Soft Robotic Wrist for Underwater Manipulation, Kurumaya S., Phillips B.T., Becker K.P., Rosen M.H., Gruber,D.F., Galloway K.C., Suzumori K., Wood, R.J., Soft Robotics Journal, 2018.


An efficient method for the design and fabrication of 2D laminate robotic structures. Y. Chen, A. Ong, R.J. Wood. IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics. 2018. Best Paper Finalist

Printing Strain Gauges on Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Robot End Effectors, R. Peña, M.J. Smith, N.P. Ontiveros, F.L. Hammond III, R.J. Wood. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain, October 2018.

Finalist: Best application paper

Nanofiber-reinforced soft fluidic micro-actuators. N.R. Sinatra, T. Ranzani, J.J. Vlassak, K.K. Parker, R.J. Wood. J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 28, issue 8, 2018.

Concomitant Sensing and Actuation for Piezoelectric Microrobots, K. Jayaram, N. Jafferis, N. Doshi, B. Goldberg, R.J. Wood, Smart Materials and Structures, 27, 065028, 2018. 

Rotary-actuated folding polyhedrons for midwater investigation of delicate marine organisms, Ern Teoh Z., Phillips B.T.,Becker K.P., Whittredge G., Weaver J.C., Hoberman C., Gruber D.F., Wood R.J, Science Robotics, 2018.


Echinoderm-inspired Tube Feet for Robust Robot Locomotion and Adhesion, M.A. Bell, I. Pestovski, W. Scott, K. Kumar, M. K. D.A. Paley, C. Majidi, J.C. Weaver, R.J. Wood, Robotics and Automation Letters, 99 (2018)

Power and Control Autonomy for High-Speed Locomotion With an Insect-Scale Legged Robot, B. Goldberg, R. Zufferey, N. Doshi, E.F. Helbling, G. Whittredge, M. Kovac, R.J. Wood, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 987-993, 2018.

Finalist: Best paper

The milliDelta: A high-bandwidth, high-precision, millimeter-scale Delta robot, H. McClintock, F.Z. Temel, N. Doshi, J. Koh, R.J. Wood, Science Robotics, Vol. 3, 2018.

A Review of Propulsion, Power, and Control Architectures for Insect-Scale Flapping-Wing Vehicles, E.F. Helbling and R.J. Wood, Applied Mechanics Reviews 70(1), 2018.

A Low Mass Power Electronics Unit to Drive Piezoelectric Actuators for Flying Microrobots, M. Lok, E.F. Helbling, X. Zhang, R.J. Wood, D. Brooks, G.Y. Wei, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics 33(4), 3180-3191, 2018.

Meso scale piezoelectric flextensional actuators, P.A. York, N.T. Jafferis, and R.J. Wood. Smart Materials and Structures, 2018



Addressable wireless actuation for multijoint folding robots and devices, Mustafa Boyvat, Je-Sung Koh, Robert J. Wood, Science Robotics, vol. 2 no. 8, 2017.

Fluid-driven origami-inspired artificial muscles, S. Li, D.M. Vogt, D. Rus, and R.J. Wood, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 201713450, 2017.

Pop-up-inspired design of a septal anchor for a ventricular assist device, F. Z. Temel, H. McClintock, C. J. Payne, I. Wamala, C. J. Walsh, N. V. Vasilyev, R. J. Wood, Design of Medical Devices Conference (extended abstract), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2017.

A high speed soft robot based on dielectric elastomer actuators, M. Duduta, D. R. Clarke, R. J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, May, 2017.

An additive millimeter-scale fabrication method for soft bio-compatible actuators and sensors, S. Russo, T. Ranzani, C.J. Walsh and R.J. Wood, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2017.

Deployable stabilization mechanisms for endoscopic procedures, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, F. Schwab, C. J. Walsh, R. J. Wood, Proceedings of Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE International Conference, 2017.

Pop-Up Tissue Retraction Mechanism for Endoscopic Surgery, S. Becker, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, R. J. Wood,The 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017).

Undulatory Swimming Performance and Body Stiffness Modulation in a Soft Robotic Fish-Inspired Physical Model, Jusufi, A., Vogt, D. M., Wood, R. J., & Lauder, G. V., Soft Robotics, 2017 May 16.

Batch Fabrication of Customizable Silicon-Textile Composite Capacitive Strain Sensors for Human Motion Tracking, Atalay A, Sanchez V, Atalay O, Vogt DM, Haufe F, Wood RJ, Walsh CJ. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2017 Sep 1;2(9).

Approaches to Real-Time Ventricular Wall Strain Measurement for the Control of Soft Robotic Ventricular Assist Devices, Van Story D, Saeed M, Price K, Wamala I, Hammer PE, Bautista-Salinas D, Vogt DM, Walsh CJ, Wood RJ, Vasilyev NV, 2017

A biologically inspired, flapping-wing, hybrid aerialaquatic microrobot, Y. Chen, H. Wang, E. F. Helbling, N. T. Jafferis, R. Zufferey, A. Ong, K. Ma, N. Gravish, P. Chirarattananon, M. Kovac, R. J. Wood, Sci. Robot. 2, eaao5619 (2017).

Distal Proprioceptive Sensor for Motion Feedback in Endoscope-Mounted Robotic Systems, J. Gafford, H. Aihara, C. Thompson, R. Wood, C. Walsh, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Volume 3, Issue 1, Pages 171-178.

Hybrid carbon fiber-textile compliant force sensors for high-load sensing in soft exosuits, O.A. Araromi, C.J. Walsh, R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, September, 2017.

A Highly-Stretchable Capacitive-Based Strain Sensor Based on Metal Deposition and Laser Rastering, O. Atalay, A. Atalay, J. Gafford, H. Wang, R. Wood, C. Walsh Advanced Materials Technologies, Volume 2, Issue 9.

Pop-Up MEMS One-Way Endobronchial Valve for Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, R. Malka, J. Gafford, S. Springmeyer, R. Wood, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Volume 11, Issue 4.

A biorobotic adhesive disc for underwater hitchhiking inspired by the remora suckerfish, Y. Wang, X. Yang, Y. Chen, D. K. Wainwright, C. P. Kenaley, Z. Gong, Z. Liu, H. Liu, J. Guan, T. Wang, J. C. Weaver, R. J. Wood, L. Wen. Sci. Robot. 2, eaan8072 (2017).

A high speed motion capture method and performance metrics for studying gaits on an insect-scale legged robot, B. Goldberg, N. Doshi, K. Jayaram, J-S. Koh, and R.J. Wood. IEEE Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, September, 2017.

Finalist: Best paper

Dynamics and flight control of a flapping-wing robotic insect in the presence of wind gusts, P. Chirarattananon, Y. Chen, E.F. Helbling, K.Y. Ma, R. Cheng, R.J. Wood. Interface Focus 7(1), 2017.

Toward Medical Devices With Integrated Mechanisms, Sensors, and Actuators Via Printed-Circuit MEMS, J. Gafford, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, A. Degirmenci, S. Kesner, R. Howe, R. Wood, C. Walsh, ASME. J. Med. Devices. 2017;11(1).

Gait studies for a quadrupedal microrobot reveal contrasting running templates in two frequency regimes, B. Goldberg, N. Doshi, K. Jayaram & R.J. Wood, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 12, no. 4, 2017.

High speed trajectory control using an experimental maneuverability model for an insect-scale legged robot, B. Goldberg, N. Doshi, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, May, 2017.

A High-Force, High-Stroke Distal Robotic Add-On for Endoscopy, J. Gafford, R. Wood, C. Walsh, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, May, 2017.

Phase control for a legged microrobot operating at resonance, N. Doshi, K. Jayaram, B. Goldberg, and R.J. Wood. IEEE Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, Singapore, June 2017.

Tunable friction through constrained inflation of an elastomeric membrane, K.P. Becker, N.W. Bartlett, M.J.D. Malley, P.M. Kjeer, R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, May, 2017.

A geometrically-amplified in-plane piezoelectric actuator for mesoscale robotic systems, P.A. York and R.J. Wood, IEEE ICRA, Singapore, May 2017

Stabilizing air dampers for hovering aerial robotics: design, insect-scale flight tests, and scaling, S.B. Fuller, Z.E. Teoh, P. Chirarattananon, N. Perez-Arancibia, J. Greenberg, R.J. Wood, Autonomous Robots, 1-19, 2017.



A soft pop-up proprioceptive actuator for minimally invasive surgery, S. Russo, T. Ranzani, C.J. Walsh and R.J. Wood, The Hamlin Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2016.

Best poster award

A soft suction-based end effector for endoluminal tissue manipulation, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, C. J. Walsh, R. J. Wood, in Proc. of the 6th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, UK, June 2016.

Fabrication of stretchable composites with anisotropic electrical conductivity for compliant pressure transducers, O.A. Araromi, C.J. Walsh, R.J. Wood, IEEE SENSORS, Orlando, Florida, USA, November, 2016.

Machine learning approaches to environmental disturbance rejection in multi-axis optoelectronic force sensors, J. Gafford, F. Doshi-Velez, R. Wood, C. Walsh, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 248, 1 September 2016, Pages 78-87.

Influence of wing morphological and inertial parameters on flapping flight performance, Y. Chen, K. Ma, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Daejeon, Korea, 2016.

Comparative analysis of fabrication methods for achieving rounded microchannels in PDMS, N.W. Bartlett and R.J. Wood., J. Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 26, no. 115013, 2016.

Multilayer Dielectric Elastomers for Fast, Programmable Actuation without Pre-stretch, M. Duduta, R.J. Wood, and D. Clarke, Advanced Materials 28 (36), pp. 8058-8065, 2016.

Perching and Takeoff of a Robotic Insect on Natural and Artificial Overhangs Using Switchable Electrostatic Adhesion, M.A. Graule, P. Chirarattananon, K.Y. Ma, N.T. Jafferis, S.B. Fuller, M. Spenko, R. Kornbluh, and R.J. Wood, Science, vol. 352, issue 6288, pp. 978-982, 2016.

Multilayer laminated piezoelectric bending actuators: design and manufacturing for optimum power density and efficiency, N.T. Jafferis, M. Lok, N. Winey, G.-Y. Wei, and R.J. Wood, J. Smart Materials & Structures, vol. 25, no. 5, 2016.

Perching Robotic Insect using Adaptive Tracking Control and Iterative Learning Control, P. Chirarattananon, K.Y. Ma, and R.J. Wood, Int. J. Robotics Research, vol. 35, issue 10, 1185-1206, 2016.

Soft Robotic Grippers for Biological Sampling on Deep Reefs, K.C. Galloway, K. Becker, B. Phillips, J. Kirby, S, Licht, D. Tchernov, R.J. Wood, and D. Gruber, Soft Robotics, vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 23 - 33, 2016.

Non-linear resonance modeling and system design improvements for underactuated flapping-wing vehicles, N.T. Jafferis, M.A. Graule, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, May, 2016.

Development of a 3.2g Untethered Flapping-Wing Platform for Flight Energetics and Control Experiments, M.H. Rosen, G. le Pivain, R.Sahai, N. Jafferis, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, May, 2016.

Anomalous yaw torque generation from passively pitching wings, N. Gravish and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, May, 2016.

An integrated design and fabrication strategy for entirely soft, autonomous robots, M. Wehner, R. L. Truby, D. J. Fitzgerald, B. Mosadegh, G. M. Whitesides, J. A. Lewis, and R. J. Wood, Nature 536 (7617), p. 451. 

Soft pop-up mechanisms for micro surgical tools: design and characterization of compliant millimeter-scale articulated structures, S. Russo, T. Ranzani, J. Gafford, C.J. Walsh and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, May, 2016.

Snap-On Robotic Wrist Module for Enhanced Dexterity in Endoscopy, J. Gafford, T. Ranzani, S. Russo, H. Aihara, R.J. Wood, and C.J. Walsh, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, May, 2016.

The Flying Monkey: a multifunctional mesoscale robot that can run, fly, and grasp, Y. Mulgaonkar, J.-S. Koh, B. Araki, L. Guerrero, D. Aukes, A. Makineni, M.T. Tolley, D. Rus, R.J. Wood, V. Kumar, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Stockholm, Sweden, May, 2016.

Biocompatible Pressure Sensing Skins for Minimally Invasive Surgical Instruments, W. Arabagi, A. Gosline, R.J. Wood, and P.E. Dupont, IEEE Sensors, vol. 16, issue 5, pp. 1294-1303, 2016.

Experimental and computational studies of the aerodynamic performance of a flapping and passively rotating insect wing, Y. Chen, N. Gravish, A.L. Desbiens, R. Malka, and R.J. Wood, J. Fluid Mechanics, vol. 791, pp. 1-33, 2016.



A Power Electronics Unit to Drive Piezoelectric Actuators for Flying Microrobots, M. Lok, X. Zhang, E.F. Helbling, R.J. Wood, D. Brooks, G.Y. Wei, IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., San Jose, CA, Sep. 2015

Collective flow enhancement by tandem flapping wings, N. Gravish, J. Peters, S. Combes, and R.J. Wood, Physical Review Letters, vol. 115, issue 13, 2015.

Self-assembling, low-cost and modular mm-scale force sensor, J. Gafford, R.J. Wood, and C.J. Walsh, IEEE Sensors, vol. 16 issue 1, pp. 69-76, 2015.

Cover article

Development of the Polipo Pressure Sensing System for Dynamic Space-Suited Motion, A. Anderson, Y. Menguc, R.J. Wood, and D. Newman, IEEE Sensors, vol. 15, issue 11, pp. 6229-6237, 2015.

Jumping on water: Surface tension�dominated jumping of water striders and robotic insects, J.-S. Koh, E. Yang, G.-P. Jung, E. Yang, S.-P. Jung, J. Son, S. Lee, P.G. Jablonski, R.J. Wood, H.-Y. Kim, and K.-J. Cho, Science, vol. 349, no. 6247, pp. 517-521, 2015.

A 3D Printed, Functionally Graded Soft Robot Powered by Combustion, N.W. Bartlett, M.T. Tolley, J.T.B. Overvelde, J. Weaver, B. Mosadegh, K. Bertoldi, G.M. Whitesides, and R.J. Wood, Science, vol. 349, no. 6244, pp. 161-165, 2015.

Actuating the heading angle of flapping-wing flyers by wriggle-steering, S.B. Fuller, J.P. Whitney, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

Design and control of a parallel linkage wrist for robotic microsurgery, A. Degirmenci, F.L. Hammond III, J.B. Gafford, C.J. Walsh, R.J. Wood, and R.D. Howe, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

Hybrid aerial and aquatic locomotion in an at-scale robotic insect, Y. Chen, E.F. Helbling, N. Gravish, K. Ma, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

Winner: Best Student Paper

Design and fabrication of a robotic flying insect for control autonomy, K. Ma, P. Chirarattananon, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

Model driven design for flexure-based microrobots, N. Doshi, B. Goldberg, R. Sahai, N. Jafferis, D. Aukes, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

Wind disturbance rejection for an insect-scale flapping-wing robot, P. Chiararattananon, K. Ma, R. Cheng, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

Feedback control of a legged microrobot with on-board sensing, R. Brühwiler, B. Goldberg, N. Doshi, O. Ozcan, N. Jafferis, M. Karpelson, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

Printing angle sensors for foldable robots, X. Sun, S. Felton, R.J. Wood, and S. Kim, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2015.

Altitude Estimation and Control of an Insect-Scale Robot with an Onboard Proximity Sensor, E.F Helbling, S.B. Fuller, and R.J. Wood, Int. Symp. on Robotics Research, Sestri Levante, Italy, Sep. 2015.

Self-folding with shape memory composites at the millimeter scale, S.M. Felton, K.P. Becker, D.M. Aukes, and R.J. Wood, J. Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 25, no. 085004, 2015.

Design and manufacturing rules for maximizing the performance of polycrystalline piezoelectric bending actuators, N.T. Jafferis, M.J. Smith, and R.J. Wood, Smart Matls. & Structures, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 065023, 2015.

Science, Technology, and Future of Small Autonomous Drones, D. Floreano and R.J. Wood, Nature, vol. 521, pp. 460-466, 2015.

Self-folding and Self-actuating Robots: a Pneumatic Approach, Xu Sun, S.M. Felton, R. Niiyama, R.J. Wood, and S. Kim, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Seattle, WA, May, 2015.

Modeling of Soft Fiber-reinforced Bending Actuators, P. Polygerinos, Z. Wang, J.T.B. Overvelde, K. Galloway, R.J. Wood, K. Bertoldi, and C. Walsh, IEEE Trans. Robotics, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 778-789, 2015.

Pneumatic Energy Sources for Autonomous Soft Robots and Wearable Soft Robots, M. Wehner, M.T. Tolley, Y. Menguc, Y.-L. Park, A. Mozeika, Y. Ding, C. Onal, R.F. Shepherd, D. Rus, G.M. Whitesides, and R.J. Wood, Soft Robotics, vol. 2, no. 00, pp. 1-12, 2014.

Soft robotic glove for combined assistance and at-home rehabilitation, P. Polygerinos, Z. Wang, K. Galloway, R.J. Wood, and C.J. Walsh, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 73, pp. 135-143, 2015.

Model-Free Control of a Hovering Flapping-Wing Flying Microrobot, N. Perez-Arancibia, P.-E. Duhamel, K. Ma, and R.J. Wood, J. Intelligent & Robotic Systems,vol. 77, pp. 95–111, 2015.

Origami-inspired printed robots, C.D. Onal, M. Tolley, R.J. Wood, and D. Rus, IEEE Trans. Mechatronics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 2214-2221, 2015.



Numerical mechanical and electrical analysis of soft liquid-embedded deformation sensors, J.T.B. Overveldea, Y. Menguc, P. Polygerinos, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, R.J. Wood, C.J. Walsh, and K. Bertoldi, Extreme Mechanics Letters, vol. 1, pp. 42-46, 2014.

A Resilient, Untethered Soft Robot, M. T. Tolley, R. F. Shepherd, B. Mosadegh, K.C. Galloway, M. Wehner, M. Karpelson, R. J. Wood, and G.M. Whitesides, Soft Robotics, 1:3, pp. 213-223, 2014.

Monolithic Design and Fabrication of a 2-DOF Bio-Inspired Leg Transmission, D. M. Aukes, O. Ozcan, and R. J. Wood. in Living Machines, 2014.

Algorithms for Rapid Development of Inherently-Manufacturable Laminate Devices, D. M. Aukes and R. J. Wood. in ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, 2014.

Bio-inspired mechanisms for inclined locomotion in a legged insect-scale robot, B. Seitz, B. Goldberg, N. Doshi, O. Ozcan, D. Christensen, M. Cutkosky and R. J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics, Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec. 2014.

A Soft Combustion-Driven Pump for Soft Robots, C. Stergiopulos, D. Vogt, M. T. Tolley, M. Wehner, J. Barber, G. M. Whitesides, and R. J. Wood, ASME SMASIS, Newport, RI, Sept. 2014.

Mechanically Programmed Self-Folding at the Millimeter Scale, S.M. Felton, M.T. Tolley, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 2014.

Wrist angle measurement using soft sensors, D. Vogt and R.J. Wood, IEEE Sensors Conf., Valencia, Spain, Nov. 2014.

Self-Folding Origami: Shape Memory Composites Activated by Uniform Heating, M.T. Tolley, S.M. Felton, S. Miyashita, B. An, D. Rus, and R.J. Wood, Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 094006, 2014.

An Analytic Framework for Developing Inherently-Manufacturable Popup Laminate Devices, D.M. Aukes, B. Goldberg, M.R. Cutkosky, and R.J. Wood, Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 094013, 2014.

Self-Folding Miniature Elastic Electric Devices, S. Miyashita, L. Meeker, M.T. Tolley, M. Goldi, R.J. Wood, and D. Rus, Smart Materials and Structures,vol. 23, no. 9, pp. 094005, 2014.

A method for building self-folding machines, S. Felton, M.T. Tolley, E. Demaine, D. Rus, R.J. Wood, Science, Vol. 345, pp.644-646, 2014.

Controlling free flight of a robotic fly using an onboard vision sensor inspired by insect ocelli, S.B. Fuller, M. Karpelson, A. Censi, K.Y. Ma, and R.J. Wood, J. Royal Society Interface, vol. 11, no. 20140281, Aug. 2014.

Using gyroscope feedback to stabilize the attitude of a fly-sized hovering robot, S.B. Fuller, E.F. Helbling, P. Chirarattananon, and R.J. Wood, International Micro Air Vehicle Conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 2014.

Estimating Surgical Needle Deflection with Printed Strain Gauges, F.L. Hammond III, M. Smith, and R.J. Wood, IEEE EMBS Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conf., Chicago, IL, Aug. 2014.

Soft Sensor Suit for Wearable Leg Motion Tracking, Y. Menguc, Y.-L. Park, H. Pei, D. Vogt, P. Aubin, E. Winchell, L. Fluke, L. Stirling, R.J. Wood, and C.J. Walsh, Int. J. of Robotics Research, vol. 33, no. 14, pp. 1748-1764, 2014.

Embedded 3D Printing of Strain Sensors with Highly Stretchable Elastomers, J.T. Muth, D.M. Vogt, R.L. Truby, Y. Menguc, D.B. Kolesky, R.J. Wood, and J.A. Lewis, Advanced Materials, vol. 26, no. 36, 2014.

Dipteran-Insect Inspired Thoracic Mechanism with Non-Linear Stiffness to Save Inertial Power of Flapping-Wing Flight, G.-K. Lau, Y.-W. Chin, J.T.-W. Goh, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Trans. Robotics, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 1187-1197, 2014.

Principles of Microscale Flexure Hinge Design for Enhanced Endurance, R. Malka, A.L. Desbiens, Y. Chen, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2014.

An Untethered Jumping Soft Robot, M.T. Tolley, R.F. Shepherd, M. Karpelson, N.W. Bartlett, R. Nunes, K.C. Galloway, M. Wehner, G.M. Whitesides, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2014.

High-throughput study of flapping wing aerodynamics for biological and robotic applications, N. Gravish, Y. Chen, S. Combes, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2014.

Toward a Modular Soft Sensor-Embedded Data Glove for Human Hand Motion and Tactile Pressure Measurement, F.L. Hammond III, Y. Menguc, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2014.

Fly on the wall, P. Chirarattananon, K.Y. Ma, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 2014.

A Bioinspired Approach to Torque Control in an Insect-sized Flapping-wing Robot, Z.E. Teoh and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 2014.

Adaptive Control of a Millimeter-Scale Flapping-Wing Robot, P. Chirarattananon, K. Ma, and R.J. Wood, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 9, no. 2, 025004, 2014.

Highlighted article of 2014

The Challenge of Manufacturing Between Macro and Micro, R.J. Wood, American Scientist, pp. 124-131, March-April, 2014.

Single-Loop Control and Trajectory Following of a Flapping-Wing Microrobot, P. Chirarattananon, K. Ma, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

A Soft Wearable Robotic Device for Active Knee Motions through Development of Compact Flat Pneumatic Artificial Muscles, Y.-L. Park, J. Santos, K. Galloway, E. Goldfield, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

A Monolithic Approach to Fabricating Low-Cost, Millimeter-Scale Multi-Axis Force Sensors for Minimally-Invasive Surgery, J. Gafford, S.B. Kesner, A. Degirmenci, R.J. Wood, R.D. Howe, and C.J. Walsh, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

A Computational Tool to Improve Flapping Efficiency of Robotic Insects, Y. Chen, A.L. Desbiens, and R.J.Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

An End-to-End Approach to Making Self-Folded 3D Surface Shapes by Uniform Heating, B. An, S. Miyashita, M.T. Tolley, D.M. Aukes, L. Meeker, E.D. Demaine, M.L. Demaine, R.J. Wood and D. Rus, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

Planar Fabrication of a Mesoscale Voice Coil Actuator, B. Goldberg, M. Karpelson, O. Ozcan, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

A Wirelessly Powered, Biologically Inspired Ambulatory Microrobot, M. Karpelson, B. Waters, B. Goldberg, B. Mahoney, O. Ozcan, A. Baisch, P.-M. Meyitang, J.R. Smith, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

A Passive, Origami-Inspired, Continuously Variable Transmission, S. Felton, D.-Y. Lee, K.-J. Cho, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014. 

Finalist: Best paper

Self-assembling Sensors for Printable Machines, B. Shin, S. Felton, M.T. Tolley, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

Powertrain Selection for a Biologically-Inspired Miniature Quadruped Robot, O. Ozcan, A. Baisch, D. Ithier, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

Pitch and Yaw Control of a Robotic Insect using an Onboard Magnetometer, E.F. Helbling, S. Fuller, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

Simple Passive Valves for Addressable Pneumatic Actuation, N. Napp, B. Araki, M.T. Tolley, R. Nagpal, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong, CN, May 2014.

Soft Tactile Sensor Arrays for Force Feedback in Micromanipulation, F.L. Hammond, R.K. Kramer, Q. Wan, R.D. Howe, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1443-1452, 2014.

High Speed Locomotion for a Quadrupedal Microrobot, A.T. Baisch, O. Ozcan, B. Goldberg, D. Ithier, and R.J. Wood, Int. J. of Robotics Research, vol. 33, pp. 1063-1082, 2014.

Design and control of a bio-inspired active soft orthotic device for treating ankle-foot pathologies, Y.-L. Park, B.-R. Chen, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, D. Young, L. Stirling, R.J. Wood, E.C. Goldfield, and R. Nagpal, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 016007, 2014.



Effect of Microtextured Surface Topography on the Wetting Behavior of Eutectic Gallium-Indium Alloys, R.K. Kramer, J.W. Boley, H.A. Stone, J.C. Weaver, and R.J. Wood, Langmuir, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 533-539, 2013.

Monolithic Integration of Nanoscale Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Membranes onto Polymer Scaffolds through Stress Control, K. Kerman, Q. Van Overmeere, M. Karpelson, R.J. Wood, and S. Ramanathan, ACS Nano, vol. 7, no. 12, pp. 10895-10903, 2013.

Smaller, softer, safer, smarter robots, R.J. Wood and C.J. Walsh, Science Translational Medicine (invited editorial), vol. 5, 2013.

Influence of Surface Traction on Soft Robot Undulation, C. Majidi, R.F. Shepherd, R.K. Kramer, G.M. Whitesides, and R.J. Wood, Int. J. Robotics Research, vol. 32, issue 13, pp. 1577-1584, 2013.

Dexterous High-Precision Robotic Wrist for Micromanipulation, F.L. Hammond III, R.D. Howe, and R.J. Wood, Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov. 2013.

Flexible, Stretchable Tactile Arrays From MEMS Barometers, L.P. Jentoft, Y. Tenzer, D. Vogt, J. Liu, R.J. Wood, and R.D. Howe, Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov. 2013.

Mechanically Programmable Bend Radius for Fiber-Reinforced Soft Actuators, K. Galloway, P. Polygerinos, C. Walsh, and R.J. Wood, Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov. 2013.

Model-Free Control of a Flapping-Wing Flying Microrobot, N. Perez-Arancibia, P.-E. Duhamel, K. Ma, and R.J. Wood, Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov. 2013.

Winner: Best paper

Self-folding with shape memory composites, S.M. Felton, M.T. Tolley, B.-H. Shin, C.D. Onal, D. Rus, E.D. Demaine, and R.J. Wood, Soft Matter, vol. 9, no. 32, pp. 7659-7878, 2013.

Cover article

Meshworm: A peristaltic soft robot with antagonistic nickel titanium coil actuators, S. Seok, C.D. Onal, R.J. Wood, D. Rus, and S. Kim, IEEE Trans. Mechatronics, vol. 18, issue 5, pp. 1485-1497, 2013.

Design and Characterization of A Soft Multi-Axis Force Sensor Using Embedded Microfluidic Channels, D. Vogt, Y.-L. Park, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Sensors, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 4056-4064, 2013.

A Soft Strain Sensor based on Ionic and Metal Liquids, J.-B. Chossat, Y.-L. Park, R.J. Wood, and V. Duchaine, IEEE Sensors, vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 3405-3414, 2013.

Masked Deposition of Gallium-Indium Alloys for Liquid-Embedded Elastomer Conductors, R.K. Kramer, C. Majidi, and R.J. Wood, Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 23, issue 42, pp. 5292-5296, 2013.

A pendulum in a flowing soap film, M.M. Bandi, A. Concha, R.J. Wood, L. Mahadevan, Physics of Fluids, vol. 25, 041702, 2013.

A wing characterization method for flapping-wing robotic insects, A.L. Desbiens, Y. Chen, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2013.

A Jumping Robotic Insect Based on a Torque Reversal Catapult Mechanism, J.-S Koh, S.-P. Jung, R.J. Wood, and K-J. Cho, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2013.

Design and Feedback Control of a Biologically-Inspired Miniature Quadruped, O. Ozcan, A.T. Baisch, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2013.

Self-Folding Shape Memory Laminates for Automated Fabrication, M.T. Tolley, S.M. Felton, S. Miyashita, L. Xu, B. Shin, M. Zhou, D. Rus, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2013.

Pop-up Assembly of a Quadrupedal Ambulatory MicroRobot, A.T. Baisch and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2013.

Adaptive Control for Takeoff, Hovering, and Landing of a Robotic Fly, P. Chirarattananon, K.Y. Ma, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2013.

Force-Sensing Surgical Grasper Enabled by Pop-Up Book MEMS, J. Gafford, S.B. Kesner, R.J. Wood, and C.J. Walsh, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2013.

Robustness of centipede-inspired millirobot locomotion to leg failures, K. Hoffman and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Tokyo, Japan, Nov., 2013.

Microsurgical Devices by Pop-Up Book MEMS, J.B. Gafford, S.B. Kesner, R.J. Wood, and C.J. Walsh, ASME Int. Design Engineering Tech. Conf., Portland, Oregon, 2013.

Controlled Flight of a Biologically Inspired, Insect-Scale Robot, K. Ma, P. Chirarattanon, S. Fuller, and R.J. Wood, Science, vol. 340, pp. 603-607, 2013.

An Origami-Inspired Approach to Worm Robots, C.D. Onal, R.J. Wood, and D. Rus, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, vol. 18, issue 2, pp. 430-438, 2013.

Soft Wearable Motion Sensing Suit for Lower Limb Biomechanics Measurements, Y. Menguc, Y.-L. Park, E. Martinez-Villalpando, P. Aubin, M. Zisook, L. Stirling, R.J. Wood, and C.J. Walsh, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May, 2013.

A Lightweight Soft Exosuit for Gait Assistance, M. Wehner, B. Quinlivan, P.M. Aubin, E. Martinez-Villalpando, M. Bauman, L. Stirling, K. Holt, R.J. Wood, and C. Walsh, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May, 2013.

Simultaneous Soft Sensing of Tissue Contact Angle and Force for Millimeter-scale Medical Robots, V. Arabagi, A. Gosline, R.J. Wood, and P.E. Dupont, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May, 2013.

Estimating attitude and wind velocity using biomimetic sensors on a microrobotic bee, S.B. Fuller, A. Sands, A. Haggerty, M. Karpelson, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May, 2013.

A Flapping-Wing Microrobot with a Differential Angle-of-Attack Mechanism, Z.E. Teoh and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May, 2013.

Identification of Flight Aerodynamics for Flapping-Wing Microrobots, P. Chirarattananon and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May, 2013.

Robot Self-Assembly by Folding: A Printed Inchworm Robot, S.M. Felton, M.T. Tolley, C.D. Onal, D. Rus, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, May, 2013.

Flight of the RoboBees, R.J. Wood, R. Nagpal, and G.-Y. Wei, Scientific American, Mar., 2013.

Elastic Element Integration for Improved Flapping-wing Micro Air Vehicle Performance, R. Sahai, K. C. Galloway, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 32-42, 2013.

Biologically Inspired Optical Flow Sensing for Altitude Control of Flapping-Wing Microrobots, P.-E. Duhamel, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, G. Barrows, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatronics, vol. 18, issue 2, pp. 556-568, 2013.

Measurement System for the Characterization of Micromanipulation Motion and Force, F. Hammond III, S. Talbot, R. Howe, and R.J. Wood, Design of Medical Devices Conference (extended abstract), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2013.



Microstructured Barbs on the North American Porcupine Quill Enable Easy Tissue Penetration and Difficult Removal, W.K. Cho, J.A. Ankrum, D. Guo, S.A. Chester, S.Y. Yang, A. Kashyap, G.A. Campbell, R.J. Wood, R.K. Rijal, R. Karnik, R. Langer, and J.M. Karp, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 109, no. 52, 21289-21294, 2012.

Driving high voltage piezoelectric actuators in microrobotic applications, M. Karpelson, G.-Y. Wei, and R.J. Wood, J. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, vol. 176, pp. 78-89, 2012.

Bio-Inspired Design of Soft Robotic Assistive Devices: The Interface of Physics, Biology, and Behavior, E.C. Goldfield, Y.-L. Park, B.-R. Chen, W.-H. Hsu, A. Wessendorf, D. Young, M. Wehner, D. Stephen, L. Stirling, D. Newman, R. Nagpal, E. Saltzman, K.G. Holt, C. Walsh, and R.J. Wood, Ecological Psychology, vol. 24, no. 4, 2012.

Influence of Cross-Sectional Geometry on the Sensitivity and Hysteresis of Liquid-Phase Electronic Pressure Sensors, Y.-L. Park, D. Tepayotl-Ramirez, R.J. Wood, and C. Majidi, Applied Physics Letters, vol.101, no. 19, 2012.

A Soft Multi-Axis Force Sensor, D. Vogt, Y.-L. Park, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Sensors Conf., Taipei, Taiwan, Oct., 2012.

A Hovering Flapping-Wing Microrobot with Altitude Control and Passive Upright Stability, Z.E. Teoh, S.B. Fuller, P. Chirarattananon, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, J. D. Greenberg, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep., 2012.

Soft Tactile Sensor Arrays for Micromanipulation, F.L. Hammond III, R.K. Kramer, Q. Wan, R.D. Howe, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep., 2012.

Modular Active Elastomer Sleeve for Adaptive Soft Orthotics, Y.-L. Park, B. Chen, C. Majidi, R.J. Wood, R. Nagpal, E. Goldfield, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep., 2012.

Aerodynamic evaluation of four butterfly species for the design of flapping-gliding robotic insects, M. Kovac, D. Vogt, D. Ithier, M. Smith, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep., 2012.

Open-loop roll, pitch and yaw torques for a robotic bee, B.M. Finio and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep., 2012.

Design, Fabrication, and Modeling of the Split Actuator Microrobotic Bee, K.Y. Ma, S.M. Felton, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep., 2012.

A Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle with Interchangeable Parts for Optimization Studies, R. Sahai, K.C. Galloway, M. Karpelson, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Portugal, Sep., 2012.

Progress on ‘pico’ air vehicles, R.J. Wood, B. Finio, M. Karpelson, K. Ma, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, P.S. Sreetharan, H. Tanaka, and J.P. Whitney, Int. J. Robotics Research, vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1292-1302, 2012. 

A bidirectional shape memory alloy folding actuator, J. Paik and R.J. Wood, Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 21, no. 065013, 2012.

Multi stage micro rockets for robotic insects, M. Kovac, M. Smith, M. Bendana, and R.J. Wood, Robotics: Science and Systems, Sydney, Australia, July, 2012.

Turning gaits and optimal undulatory gaits for a modular centipede-inspired millirobot, K. Hoffman and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Rome, Italy, June, 2012. 

Winner: Best student paper award

Experimental Characterization of Components for Active Soft Orthotics, M. Wehner, Y.-L. Park, T. Moore, C. Walsh, R. Nagpal, E. Goldfield, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Rome, Italy, June, 2012.

Design and Fabrication of Soft Artificial Skin Using Embedded Microchannels and Liquid Conductors, Y.-L. Park, B.-R. Chen, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Sensors, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 2711-2718, 2012.

Cover article, Winner: Best paper of 2012

Data-Driven Design of a Dexterous Robotic Microsurgery System, F. Hammond III, S. Talbot, R.J. Wood, and R. Howe, Design of Medical Devices Conference (extended abstract), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 2012.

Conceptual design of flapping-wing micro air vehicles, J.P. Whitney and R.J. Wood, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, vol. 7, no. 036001, 2012.

Highlighted article of 2012

Monolithic fabrication of millimeter-scale machines, P. Sreetharan, J. P. Whitney, M. Strauss, and R. J. Wood, J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 22, no. 055027, 2012.
Cover article, IOP select article

Wing Trajectory Control for Flapping-Wing Microrobots Using Combined Repetitive and Minimum-Variance Adaptive Methods, P. Chirarattananon, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, and R.J. Wood, American Controls Conf., Montreal, Canada, June, 2012.

Altitude Feedback Control of a Flapping-Wing Microrobot Using an On-Board Biologically Inspired Optical Flow Sensor, P.-E.J. Duhamel, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, G.L. Barrows, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Saint Paul, Minnesota, May. 2012.



Pitch-Angle Feedback Control of a Biologically Inspired Flapping-Wing Microrobot, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, P. Chirarattananon, B.M. Finio, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics, Phuket Island, Thailand, Dec. 2011.

Pop-up book MEMS, J.P. Whitney, P.S. Sreetharan, K. Ma, and R.J. Wood, J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 21, no. 11, 115021, 2011.
Cover article, IOP select article

First Controlled Vertical Flight of a Biologically Inspired Microrobot, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, K. Ma, K. Galloway, J. Greenberg, and R.J. Wood, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 6, 036009, 2011.
Highlighted article of 2011

Non-Differential Elastomer Curvature Sensors for Softer-than-Skin Electronics, C. Majidi, R. Kramer, and R.J. Wood, J. Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 20, 105017, 2011.

Lift Force Control of Flapping-Wing Microrobots Using Adaptive Feedforward Cancelation Schemes, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, J.P. Whitney, and R.J. Wood, to appear: IEEE Trans. Mechatronics, 2011.

Insect Flight and Micro Air Vehicles, H. Tanaka, B.M. Finio, M. Karpelson, N. Perez-Arancibia, P.S. Sreetharan, J.P. Whitney, and R.J. Wood, Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, B. Bhushan (ed). Springer-Verlag, 2011.

Progress on "pico" air vehicles, R.J. Wood, B. Finio, M. Karpelson, K. Ma, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, P.S. Sreetharan, H. Tanaka, and J.P. Whitney, Int. Symp. on Robotics Research (invited paper), Flagstaff, Az, Aug. 2011.

Robotic origamis: self-morphing modular robots, J. Paik, B. An, D. Rus, and R.J. Wood, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Morphological Computation, Venice, Italy, Sept., 2011.

Soft Artificial Skin with Multi-Modal Sensing Capability Using Embedded Liquid Conductors, Y.-L. Park, B.-R. Chen, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Sensors Conference, Limerick, Ireland, Oct. 2011.

Optimal energy density piezoelectric twisting actuators, B. Finio and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

An ultra-high precision, high bandwidth torque sensor for microrobotics applications, B. Finio, K. Galloway, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

System identification, modeling, and optimization of an insect-sized flapping-wing micro air vehicle, B. Finio, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

Effect of Sensor and Actuator Quality on Robot Swarm Algorithm Performance, N. Hoff, R.J. Wood, and R. Nagpal, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

Passive undulatory gaits enhance walking in a myriapod millirobot, K. Hoffman and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

Soft Curvature Sensors for Joint Angle Proprioception, R. Kramer, C. Majidi, R. Sahai, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

Stretchable Circuits and Sensors for Robotic Origami, J. Paik, R. Kramer, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

Bio-inspired Active Soft Orthotic Device for Ankle Foot Pathologies, Y.-L. Park, B.-R. Chen, D. Young, L.A. Stirling, R.J. Wood, E. Goldfield, and R. Nagpal, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

HAMR3: An Autonomous 1.7g Ambulatory Robot, A. Baisch, C. Heimlich, M. Karpelson, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

Hardware in the Loop for Optical Flow Sensing in a Robotic Bee, P.-E. Duhamel, J. Porter, B.M. Finio, G. Barrows, D. Brooks, G.-Y. Wei, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, San Francisco, CA, Sept. 2011.

Effect of flexural and torsional wing flexibility on lift generation in hoverfly flight, H. Tanaka, J.P. Whitney, and R.J. Wood, J. Integrative & Comparative Bio. 2011.

Design and Fabrication of Ultralight High-Voltage Power Circuits for Flapping-Wing Robotic Insects, M. Karpelson, J.P. Whitney, G.-Y. Wei, and R.J. Wood, Applied Power Electronics Conf., Fort Worth, TX, March 2011.

Low Power Control IC for Efficient High-Voltage Piezoelectric Driving in a Flying Robotic Insect, M. Karpelson, R.J. Wood, and G.-Y. Wei, Symp. on VLSI Circuits, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.

Myriapod-like ambulation of a segmented microrobot, K. Hoffman and R.J. Wood, J. Autonomous Robots, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 103-114, 2011..

Passive torque regulation in an underactuated flapping wing robotic insect, P.S. Sreetharan and R.J. Wood, J. Autonomous Robots, vol. 31, no. 2, 225-234, 2011.

Lift Force Control of a Flapping-Wing Microrobot, N.O. Perez-Arancibia, J. Whitney, and R.J. Wood, American Controls Conf., San Francisco, CA, June 2011.

Mechanics and Actuation for Flapping-Wing Robotic Insects, R.J. Wood, J.P. Whitney, and B.M. Finio, in: Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering, R. Blockley and W. Shyy (eds). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp 4393-4406, 2011.

Wearable Tactile Keypad with Stretchable Artificial Skin, R. Kramer, C. Majidi, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, 2011.

Towards Printable Robotics: Origami-Inspired Planar Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Mechanisms, C.D. Onal, R.J. Wood, and D. Rus, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, 2011.

Design of Centimeter-Scale Inchworm Robots with Bidirectional Claws, D. Lee, S. Kim, Y.-L. Park, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, 2011.



A Novel Low-Profile Shape Memory Alloy Torsional Actuator, J. Paik, E. Hawkes, and R.J. Wood, Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 19, no. 125014, 2010.

Hyperelastic pressure sensing with a liquid-embedded elastomer, Y.-L. Park, C. Majidi, R. Kramer, P. Berard, and R.J. Wood, J. Micromech. Microeng., vol 20, issue 125029, 2010.

Two Foraging Algorithms for Robot Swarms Using Only Local Communication, N.R. Hoff, A. Sagoff, R.J. Wood, and R. Nagpal, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics, Tianjin, China, Dec. 2010.

Tunable elastic stiffness with micro-confined magnetorheological domains at low magnetic field, C. Majidi and R.J. Wood, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 97, issue 16, 2010.

Distributed colony-level algorithm switching for robot swarm foraging, N. Hoff, R.J. Wood, and R. Nagpal, 10th Int. Symp. on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems, 2010.

Distributed power and control actuation in the thoracic mechanics of a robotic insect, B.M. Finio and R.J. Wood, Bioinspir. Biomim. 5, 045006, 2010.

Composable Flexible Small Actuators Built from Thin Shape Memory Alloy Sheets, E. Torres-Jara, K. Gilpin, J. Karges, R.J. Wood and D. Rus, IEEE Robotics and Automation Mag. vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 78-87, 2010.

Aeromechanics of passive rotation in flapping flight, J. Whitney and R.J. Wood, J. Fluid Mechanics, 660, pp. 197-220, 2010.

Shear-Mode Contact Splitting for a Microtextured Elastomer Film, R.K. Kramer, C. Majidi, and R.J. Wood, Adv. Mat., online June, 2010.

Programmable matter by folding, E. Hawkes, B. An, N. Benbernou, H. Tanaka, S. Kim, E.D. Demaine, D. Rus, and R.J. Wood, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 107 (28), pp. 12441-12445, 2010. 

Passive aerodynamic drag balancing in a flapping wing microrobotic insect, P.S. Sreetharan and R.J. Wood, J. Mechanical Design, 132 (5), pp. 051006-051016, 2010.

Fabrication of corrugated artificial insect wings using laser micromachined molds, H. Tanaka and R.J. Wood, J. Micromechanics and Microengineering, 20:7, 2010.

Stroke plane deviation for a microrobotic fly, B. Finio, J.P. Whitney, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei Taiwan, October 2010.

Fabrication and analysis of dielectric-elastomer minimum-energy structures for highly-deformable soft robotic systems, M.T. Petralia and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei Taiwan, October 2010.

Energetics of flapping-wing robotic insects: towards autonomous hovering flight, M. Karpelson, J.P. Whitney, G.-Y. Wei, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei Taiwan, October 2010.

Biologically inspired locomotion of an insect scale hexapod robot, A. Baisch, P. Sreetharan, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Taipei Taiwan, October 2010.

Passive torque regulation in an underactuated flapping wing robotic insect, P.S. Sreetharan and R.J. Wood, Robotics: Science and Systems, Zaragoza, Spain, June 2010.

Winner: Best student paper award

Applicability of shape memory allow wire for an active, soft orthotic, L. Stirling, C.-H. Yu, J. Miller, R.J. Wood, E. Goldfield, and R. Nagpal, Proc. Int. Conf. Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, pp. 20-21, Pacific Grove, CA, May 2010.

Towards a multi-segment ambulatory microrobot, K. Hoffman and R.J.~Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, AK, May, 2010.

Peristaltic locomotion with antagonistic actuators in soft robotics, S.-O. Seok, C. Onal, R.J. Wood, D. Rus, and S. Kim, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, AK, May, 2010.


Challenges for 100 Milligram Flapping Flight R.S. Fearing and R.J. Wood, in: Flying Insects and Robots, edited by D. Floreano, J.-C. Zufferey, M. Srinivasan, C. Ellington, Springer Verlag, 2009.

Asymmetric flapping for a robotic fly using a hybrid power-control actuator, B. Finio, B. Eum, C. Oland, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ IROS, St. Louis, MO, Oct., 2009.

Micro artificial muscle fiber using NiTi spring for soft robotics S. Kim, E. Hawkes, K.-J. Cho, M. Jolda, J. Foley, and R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ IROS, St. Louis, MO, Oct., 2009.

A Novel Multi-Axis Force Sensor for Microrobotics Applications R.J. Wood, K.-J. Cho, and K. Hoffman, J. Smart Materials and Structures, 18, 125002, 2009. 
Featured article

Development of micromechanics for micro-autonomous systems (ARL-MAST CTA Program) J.S. Humbert, I. Chopra, R.S. Fearing, R.J. Full, R.J. Wood, and M.H. Dickinson, Proc. SPIE 7318, April, 2009.

Design and Fabrication of the Harvard Ambulatory Microrobot A.T. Baisch and R.J. Wood 14th Int. Symp. of Robotics Research, Lucerne, Switzerland, Sept 2009.

Artificial insect wings of diverse morphology for flapping-wing MAVs J.K. Shang, S.A. Combes, B.M. Finio, and R.J. Wood, Bioinspir. Biomim. 4, 036002, 2009.

Cover article, highlighted article of 2009

Milligram-scale high-voltage power electronics for piezoelectric microrobots M. Karpelson, G.-Y. Wei, and R.J. Wood, IEEE ICRA, Kobe, Japan, May 2009.

Body torque modulation for a microrobotic fly, B.M. Finio, J.K. Shang, and R.J. Wood, IEEE ICRA, Kobe, Japan, May 2009.

Self-organizing modular robots for collective actuation, C.-H. Yu, R. Nagpal, R.J. Wood, and L. Sterling, Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Precision Perception and Action, Minneapolis, MN, July 2009.

Using Bayesian Inference to Learn High-Level Tasks from a Human Teacher M.P. Woodward and R.J. Wood, Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Orlando, FL, July 2009.

Robotic Manipulation Using an Open-Architecture Industrial Arm: A Pedagogical Overview R.J. Wood, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, vol. 15, no. 3, Sep. 2008

Fly, Robot Fly R.J. Wood, IEEE Spectrum, March, 2008. (invited)

Cover article

Microrobot Design Using Fiber Reinforced Composites R.J. Wood, S. Avadhanula, R. Sahai, and R.S. Fearing, J. of Mechanical Design, vol. 130, no. 5, May, 2008.

The first takeoff of a biologically-inspired at-scale robotic insect R.J. Wood, IEEE Trans. on Robotics, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 341-347, April, 2008.

A Review of Actuation and Power Electronics Options for Flapping-Wing Robotic Insects, M. Karpelson, G-Y. Wei, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, May, 2008.

Design, fabrication and analysis of a body-caudal fin propulsion system for a microrobotic fish, K. Cho, E. Hawkes, C. Quinn, and R.J. Wood, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, May, 2008.

Design, fabrication, and analysis, of a 3DOF, 3cm flapping-wing MAV, R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ IROS, San Diego, CA, October, 2007.
Winner: Best paper award

Liftoff of a 60mg flapping-wing MAV, R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ IROS, San Diego, CA, October, 2007.

The first flight of an insect-sized robotic fly, R.J. Wood, IEEE/RSJ IROS, San Diego, CA, October, 2007 (video proceedings).

Winner: Best video award

Enabling Technologies and Subsystem Integration for an Autonomous Palm-Sized Glider, R.J. Wood, S. Avadhanula, E. Steltz, M. Seeman, J. Entwistle, A. Bachrach, G. Barrows, S. Sanders, and R.S. Fearing, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 82-91, June 2007

Towards a 3g Crawling Robot through the Integration of Microrobot Technologies, R. Sahai, S. Avadhanula, R. Groff, E. Steltz, R. Wood, and R.S. Fearing, IEEE Int. Conf on Robotics and Automation, Orlando, FL, May 2006.

Optimal Energy Density Piezoelectric Bending Actuators, R.J. Wood, E. Steltz, and R.S. Fearing, J. of Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 119, No. 2, pp. 476-488, 2005.

Design, fabrication and initial results of a 2g autonomous glider, R.J. Wood, S. Avadhanula, E. Steltz, M. Seeman, J. Entwistle, A. Bachrach, G. Barrows, S. Sanders, and R.S. Fearing, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Raleigh, NC, Nov. 2005.

Nonlinear Performance Limits for High Energy Density Piezoelectric Bending Actuators, R.J. Wood, E. Steltz, and R.S. Fearing, IEEE Int. Conf on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, April 2005.

Characterization of the Micromechanical Flying Insect by Optical Position Sensing, E. Steltz, R.J. Wood, S. Avadhanula, and R.S. Fearing, IEEE Int. Conf on Robotics and Automation, Barcelona, Spain, April 2005.

Lift Force Improvements for the Micromechanical Flying Insect, S. Avadhanula, R.J. Wood, E. Steltz, J Yan, R.S. Fearing, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, Oct. 2003.

Microrobotics Using Composite Materials: The Micromechanical Flying Insect Thorax, R.J. Wood, S. Avadhanula, M. Menon, R.S. Fearing, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2003.

Biomimetic Sensor Suite for Flight Control of a Micromechanical Flying Insect: Design and Experimental Results, W.C. Wu, L. Schenato, R.J. Wood, R.S. Fearing, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2003.

A Micromechanical Flying Insect Thorax, R.S. Fearing, S. Avadhanula, D. Campolo, M. Sitti, J. Yan, and R. Wood, In “Neurotechnology for Biomimetic Robots”, J. Ayers, J.L. Davis, and A. Rudolph. The MIT Press, 2002, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pages 469-480.

The Micromechanical Flying Insect, J. Yan, S. Avadhanula, J. Birch, M. Dickinson, M. Menon, E. Park, T. Sands, S. Sane, M. Sitti, T. Su, R. Wood, and R. Fearing, Video presentation: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Washington, DC May 11-15, 2002. 

Winner: Best video award

Halteres for the Micromechanical Flying Insect, W.C. Wu, R.J. Wood, R.S. Fearing, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Washington, DC, May 11-15, 2002.

Dynamically Tuned Design of the MFI Thorax, S. Avadhanula, R.J. Wood, D. Campolo, R.S. Fearing, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Washington, DC May 11-15, 2002.

Flight Force Measurements for a Micromechanical Flying Insect, R.J. Wood and R.S. Fearing, IEEE/RSJ IROS 2001, Maui, HI, Oct. 29- Nov. 3, 2001.

Thorax Design and Wing Control for a Micromechanical Flying Insect, J. Yan, S. Avadhanula, M. Sitti, R.J. Wood, and R.S. Fearing, Proc. of the 39th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing (invited paper), Monticello, IL, Oct 3-5, 2001.

Towards Flapping Wing Control for a Micromechanical Flying Insect, J. Yan, R.J. Wood, S. Avadhanula, M. Sitti, R.S. Fearing, IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, pp. 3901-3908, Seoul Korea, May 21-26, 2001.


Prototyping Millirobots using Dextrous Microassembly and Folding, E. Shimada, J.A. Thompson, J. Yan, R.J. Wood and R.S. Fearing, Symposium on Microrobotics ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Cong. and Exp., Nov. 5-10, 2000.

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